About Me

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I am a proud black man. I love my people. I believe that the highest honor I can achieve is to be, as the late great Dr. Henrik Clarke once stated: "a servant for the salvation of my own people." I represent myself... and noone else... although I do hope to inspire other black men who are tired of being misrepresented in mainstream media, church, black leadership as a whole, and all other mediums... to speak up and speak out and express themselves. I have always been a behind the scenes type of guy... doing whatever needs to be done, but this is my way of stepping to the front and speaking my mind. The intent of this blog is not to offend but I've been around long enough to know that the truth can be offensive to those who love lies... so it is what it is. Welcome to the mind of a black man capable of independent thought.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Black Men in the Cross-Hairs of the IR Agenda

There is nothing more beautiful to me than a confident, intelligent, natural black woman.


  My mother is a black woman... her mother is a black woman... my sisters are black women... my nieces are black women... my aunts are black women... my daughter is a black woman... so why wouldn't I love black women? It is only natural for me to do so.

I love their strength... I love their minds... I love their voices...  I love their rhythm... I love their style... I love their hair... eyes, noses, and lips... I love all the shades they come in from dark chocolate to high yellow...I love how  they are a physical reflection of me... I can see myself in them... they are the other piece of the puzzle... the black woman is my natural partner.
What is not to love?

I have nothing against other women of other ethnic backgrounds at all... but.. When I do marry, it will be to a beautiful black woman... and that is simply that. The majority of brotha's I know feel the same way I do about black women as well... regardless of what we may have been through with one or two.

Speaking of going through things... God knows I've had my share of relationship drama with black women. I have gone through more than enough nonsense with black women in my life, however, I am mature enough to differentiate between one black woman and another. Regardless of what issues I've had with one black woman... I know better than to believe that ALL black women possess those same negative attributes... as I don't know a fraction of the black female population well enough to justify that assumption. In point of fact, when I have found myself running into the same issue with different black women... I took a look at MYSELF to see what was it about me that attracted that type of individual... and evaluated what I needed to work on to change it.

Lately though... with the emergence of certain videos and blogs crashing the internet by storm... usually about the superiority of interracial dating... one would be led to assume and believe that men like me do not exist. Better yet, as regular decent black men like myself are never mentioned... it seems that we get assimilated to the faceless, nameless hordes of "bad" black men cited time after time in the aforementioned mediums. From what I've been reading...
  1. we black men as a whole are incapable of loving black women in the way they deserve 
  2. we all only want white women 
  3. we are all irresponsible 
  4. we are financially incapable of providing them with the material trinkets that denote status and success in western culture...  
  5.  we are not on the their level in regards to western education
...and as such are unworthy of them. 
In point of fact... according to these self-styled experts... the ONLY choice black women have today is to date white men. Needless to say, I find this trend... well...  interesting.

First and foremost... please point me to the nearest black woman who knows the majority of the black men just in her city intimately enough to make these claims about all or most black men from experience... and I'd say she gets around.

Let me say this before I proceed... if your preference is for another ethnicity... then by all means proceed in that direction. It is all of our right to date or marry whomever we feel is suitable for us. With that said, if this discussion was simply about preference, I would not be writing this blog. However, something stinks  to high heaven here. Why is it that the majority of these blogs and videos spend most of their time attacking black men... instead of simply praising white men? Why is practically every single article I've read and video I've seen on the subject counter-balanced with why dating another race is better than dating black men? Even more curious... why is it than any rebuttal by a black man is considered "hate" of interracial dating? Do they really think that we as black men are going to sit back and just let them stereotype us without ANY commentary from us at all? Really??

AGAIN I'll say... If you are a black woman who prefers white men or any other ethnicity... knock yourself all the way out. No problems here. However, if you feel the need to "annihilate" the black man to justify your decision... well then there is a problem. Typically, a preference... an honest innocent one... doesn't need a reason. It just is. I Prefer black women... and I don't need to attack white women or any other women to justify WHY I prefer black women. See how that works? Pretty simple. So someone please tell me why these inter-racialists NEED to find something degrading and stereotypical to say about black men in general to bolster their claims of interracial dating superiority? Inquiring minds would love to know.

To Be Continued...